I have two tables with the same basic columns in two different apps.
I want to push the results of a query in App 1 and send it over to App 2 and populate a table with results. App1/Table1 and App2/Table1 have the same structure.
Today I would manually ‘push a button’ to execute the transfer but in the future automate.
I have a talker and listener Glide Apps set up for test using webhook workflows and the communication is there.
What are my options for App to App data ‘copying’/sending?
A shared table? Notify App2 that data is in the shared table to copy/AddRow into the final table?
JSON arrays? Send a JSON basic columns with the query results and add them directly to the final table via a workflow? Is there a row/data max for a JSON array?
I thought I could use a webhook that would pass a RowID (column that identifies which rows within the Shared Rows table are part of this request) and then loop on Shared table filtering against RowID. Within the loop I would call an AddRow to insert from the Shared table to the local table.
Since I am using AddRow from a Glide Table into a Glide Table, does this cost an “Update” like it says in the loop or is this free since it is data written from/to Glide tables?
A scheduled workflow runs server side and uses server resources to run, so yes it would still cost updates and should indicate as such if updates apply.