Convert All Rows in a particular column in CAPS

I have a column with certain data. I want to make each rows in that particular column in CAPS. Is there any possibility by using formula or something in Glide Editor? I understand I can achieve it in GSheet, but want to do this in Glide Data Editor.

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You could do it with a template column, replacing a with A, b with B, c with C, etc…


I think I failed to understand exactly what I have to do in template column.

I want first column in CAPS in second column. Can you help with it?

hmm, I may have been a bit hasty there. When I responded I was thinking of this :arrow_down_small:

But, maybe not…
This is yet another example of something that would be trivial with some string manipulation functions.
And of course it’s also trivial with a spreadsheet function.
But in the GDE with the tools we currently have…
I’ll have a play…

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Thank you! Will be waiting for your reply.

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What @Darren_Murphy suggested, was just to set the template to point to your first column. Then add a replacement for each letter of the alphabet. The problem here is that Glide requires an existing column as a replacement value. I think the only way to make this work purely in Glide, at the moment, would be to create a template column for each letter of the alphabet. Then create a final template column that points to the Name column, then have a replacement set up for each letter of the alphabet.

So it would be 26 template columns for each capital letter, and 1 template column to build the the final NAME column.

Not a good solution. Two things we need from Glide:

  • The ability to use Custom Values as replacements in a Template column (This would have allowed for a one column solution to your problem, but still ugly with 26 replacement values)
  • Good string manipulation functions, such as Substring, Trim, Pad, Upper, Lower, Proper, etc.

Add you vote to this request.


Thanks for saving my butt there, Jeff :joy:


Hehe, you would have figured it out eventually.

I definitely need string manipulation, but it bugs me that I can’t use a custom value as replacement value in a template. What I have done in the past is create a separate empty column just to have the ability to replace something in a template column with blank. But that’s a single value. You get a situation like above, then you all of a sudden need a massive amount of columns to achieve something really simple that should be doable with one column.

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Thank you @Jeff_Hager, as always for explaining it in detail. I voted for it.

I hope Glide come up with this at the earliest, if they really want “Glide Data Editor” only App eventually.

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