Contar fechas

Hola , tengo una columna donde pongo datos de fechas de cuando se registra una reservacion , mi duda es como hago para contar las fechas por dia es decir cuantas reservaciones tengo para cada dia que las cuente por dia dependiendo del dia en el que estemos.

A Relation linking the dates together could work, followed by a Rollup to count the number of items in the relation.

However things get tricky if you have underlying times that differ, even if it’s the same day. In that case, I recommend first creating a math column to convert the date into a number that makes it easier to build your relation.

Here is what you would place in a Math column.

Year(date)*10^4 +
Month(date)*10^2 +

tengo esto ahora que sigue?

If you have that on both sides, the next step is creating a relation using them, and then use a rollup to count the number of matching records.

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