Conditional visibility of components usage question

Hey guys,

I’m trying to build a two-side marketplace at the moment looking at a few no-code options, but am loving playing in Glide and following all the new releases/ features. Initially I had two apps/ one spreadie, but am now trying to convert to one app, after I realised you can’t comment between them which I was using as a 121 chat function.

I’ve had a few goes at this problem you’re talking about and one option seems to be working, but would like to know what you think and if it will scale with multiple users.

Under the profile section I have ‘users emails’ column and ‘user type’ column, then I have ‘if column’ that says ‘if users email is user that is signed in, show user type value’

Then in the tab I want to make different inline lists visible depending on user type (user 1 to see availability of user 2’s and user 2 to see jobs posted by user 1’s). I have 6 columns, just 1 row. The first two columns just say user 1 and user 2 in row 1; the next two are relation columns to match these values to the ‘if column’; the final two just show ‘user 1’ if that profile type is signed in or ‘user 2’ if that profile is signed in (you can use a look up to get the value from the ‘if column’ in profile sheet).

Then set inline lists on component visibility to be visible if your columns 5 & 6 show the profile type you want (inline list for user type 1 only if column 5 says ‘user 1’ etc.)

@Mark what do you think, is this the problem discussed or am I overcomplicating and there’s an easier solution? Do you think this scale with multiple accounts on the app, my assumption is the if column value will be unique for everyone, so it should work…?!