Conditional actions for a Collection using a different data source

We can use conditional actions to direct users to independently configured screens from a Collection when the collection shares the same data source as the screen the collection it’s displayed on.

For example, you have a Home screen whose data source is simply a one-row helper table that directs new users through a series of onboarding screens. Otherwise, this Home screen layout is simply a couple of Collections and a few Headline and Text components to round things out.

But, what’s the workaround for the lack of native ISC now in Pages when the Collection doesn’t share the same data source as the parent screen on which it resides?

Glide doesn’t allow you to choose an Action > Source that doesn’t share the same data table as the parent screen. Yes, you can build out a custom action that will do the job, but it’s not available in the Configure Action dropdown menu when the collection you want to apply the action to doesn’t reside on a screen with the same data source.

Maybe I’m missing something super simple?

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Hey, @Darren_Murphy. I appreciate the heads up on this. Ugh, I’ve been spinning my wheels for a couple of hours trying to figure out what I’m missing. Thx!