🆕 Comparing Dates

Glide can’t do date math yet. We’re thinking about this, because we want to get it right.


oh so it worked in my case by pure magic ? :grin: :mage:

@Thibault_Milan what are you getting for a result when your dates cross different months?

By coincidence :wink:

Something I need to check …
:laughing: ok so my date is today 2020-07-09 and 2020-07-10 … which I subtract. Which end in (2020 - 7 - 9 ) - (2020 - 7 - 10) = 1. Coincidence, those two dates should also return 1.

But if my booking date is 2020-08-01 I got … 82 which I cannot explain :sob:

ok I not gonna use this in my app.


@mark, thank you for taking your time to “get it right”. I’m super impressed with this first step!



Ok, that makes more sense. 20200801-20200709 = 92, so it probably something along those lines that are happening. It’s just treating the values as numbers instead of dates.



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In the interest of asking for a mile now that you’ve given us a foot… can you please add ‘week’, ‘month’, and ‘year;’ to the ‘within’ comparison?


So, probably easy but help needed. I have a timestamp in a column, I want to calculate a true/false result.

If date stamp within 30 days of today = true, else false

Time stamp 01/01/2020 today date 25/01/2020 Result = True
Time Stamp 01/01/2020 today date 15/03/2020 Result = False

Thanks in advance for any help

Add a column to calculate the “30 days before today” mark in Sheets, something like.

={"Compare date";ARRAYFORMULA(IF(A2:A<>"",TODAY()-30,""))}

Then do the comparison in the Editor.

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@ThinhDinh Thank you :slight_smile:

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This is very helpful thanks.
Would anybody now if it is possible in Glide to calculate the number of days between 2 dates ?
I can do it in Google sheet with DATEIF. Is there anything similar in Glide. I tried with Math but does not work. Any suggestions ?

There is no date calculation at this time.

No bother, I have already done so much thanks to Glide that I agree to do things manually.
Cheers Gliders

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The date is “today” is calculated on the basis of which time zone? I have my app which has users from various time zones and I assumed it works on the device’s current timezone but I think I am getting errors there.
Does this work on a fixed timezone?

Seems helpful but beginners, like me, need tutorials :sweat_smile:

I would have to assume that it’s the device time and most conditions are determined on the device itself. What kind of errors are you getting?

Good :+1:

I have a column that says present or past based on if date for a form submission is “within today” or not.
These forms are filled by people around the world and the Present/Past value change on basis of a fixed timezone I think. So sometimes for a user on another side of the world the date of the form submission and current date is the same in their timezone but it still shows Past and not Present.