Compact list editing

Can you provide a screenshot of what your component settings look like for the rich text component? I think you are typing in the text instead of references the column.

This is what it should look like.

(This is an example of a page that needs formatting)

Sorry I think this is what you were looking for.

Your settings are looking fine. What I have been understanding you as saying, is that the text you see on the screen is the same for every list item. The way you have it set up says otherwise because it looks like you are getting the text from the sheet column. Everything looks good up to that point. If you click on each list item, are you seeing different text? I just want to establish that before we continue.

The text is fine. I just can’t format it. The list of birthdays in the screenshot is terrible to read. I need to be able to put the birthdays in a list. I can do it if I do it in the markdown box and use space, space, enter. But then it populates on every page in the “Library” compact list.

Read through this, but make your changes to the text in the sheet, not the markdown in the rich text component settings. All of your markdown formatting needs to be in the sheet.

Yes the text is correct on every page this way. The problem is I CAN’T FORMAT the text. A list of birthdays needs to be readable, not just the information. That is what I can’t do.

When I do put the text in the markdown box and format it, then it is in a beautiful readable list, but then it is on every page. I can’t get it to only be on the page I am editing. In this case the birthdays page.

Maybe this is not possible, but it seems like it should be.

We are going in circles. Your screenshots indicate that you have the app set up correctly. Do not change it from what you have in the screenshots. DO NOT type the text in the markdown box! You HAVE TO do the markdown formatting in the sheet. That’s were I’m telling you to follow the directions I posted above. Do it in the sheet. Not the markdown box. If you do it correctly in the sheet, it will look great in the app.

Here is a screenshot of how I would like the Birthdays page to look. However now this is on every page in the library. “Pay Dues” now has this list rather than instructions of how to pay dues.

This time I brought the text in from the sheet already formatted. The formatting didn’t transfer to the app and as always now every page has this info. Not just the Board Members page.

I think I am missing something very basic and have been going through all the videos again.

I can’t iterate any more than I have. Do not type in the rich text box. Make your changes in the sheet. You had it, but you keep changing the components when you already had them set correctly. You’re close but you aren’t making the changes in the sheet like you should.

Finally I got it! Jersey George came to the rescue and gave me full instructions for using Now I am finishing the app as fast as I can put things on! Thank you for not completely blowing me off when it looked like I literate enough for this app. I just couldn’t figure out the last piece of the puzzle.

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