Community Update: No new Classic Apps 🗞️

As of this week, Classic Apps cannot be created by anyone.

We removed the ability for new users to create Classic Apps when we introduced the new Glide Apps back in March. Teams with existing access to Classic Apps were able to continue creating them… until now.

You can keep using your existing Classic Apps, but we’re limiting our customer support to critical issues that affect all customers. This change allows our team to focus on shipping improvements to Glide and supporting modern Glide Apps.

Currently using a Classic App? Rebuild it as a new Glide App. You can jumpstart the process by choosing “New App from data” in your Classic App’s context menu:

Screenshot 2023-11-21 at 1.32.58 PM

Refer to our docs for more details. Need guidance? Post in Ask for Help.

Now, on to this week’s updates…

New Glide features & fixes :sparkles::wrench:

  • Help test our updated integration :new:
  • Glide Experts have access to the new Experts Hub via their Account Settings
  • Soft launch of our new dashboard UI, complete with team switching + folders
  • Glide accounts now show a placeholder icon if no profile picture is defined
  • Updated localizations for the Collections and Choice components
  • Fixed a bug with the multi-file picker in Collections components
  • Fixed an Excel sync issue where some renamed columns couldn’t be saved
  • Fixed an AI issue where certain conditions weren’t triggering updates
  • Fixed the “add element to set” computation

From the community :raised_hands:

That’s it for today. Have a great week!

P.S. Have something to share? DM me and we’ll include it in the next update.


An amazing demonstration! A very inspiring interview!

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