Community Basketball Tournament Management App

New with glide. Doing 1st app. Re Community Basketball Tournament. The app will be used to manage the tournament. Create teams, add/removed players, coaches, schedule games, show results of games, show team standings.

Please see images below. One is the table for games (home, team, visitor team, scores, venue, date and time.

Please help in creating table (Team Standing) to show the WIN-LOSS record of each team.

You probably could get away with calculating the winning team by determining who has the highest points.

I think this would work:

  1. Create make array column that combines the two team IDS
  2. Create if then else column that outputs the winning team if they have the highest points.
  3. In your teams table, create a relation that matches team name to make array column
  4. Create query column that has this relation as the source and filter where winner > is > this row > team
  5. Create a rollup column that points to the relation (total games played)
  6. Create a rollup column that points to this query. (=wins).
  7. Create a math column that subtracts total - wins (=losses)

Thanks for the prompt response and assist Robert. I was able to determine the winning/losing team by doing the below cloumn (Games table):


What I am having a hard time is relating the results (from Games table) into the Team Standing table.

Again, thanks.

I will work to try your recommendations. Thank you. Been watching your videos, learning a lot although am just new with No Code.

I was able to do below following your recommendations:

I don’t know how to do Item 3.


Wouldn’t you just need to do the query & rollup in your existing teams table opposed to having a separate Team Standing table?

Hi, thanks for the ressonse.

I will have a separate Team Standing table.

Can you explain why you need this though? Wouldn’t the Teams table already be enough?

I was thinking that I can only display the Team Standing (layout) if I have a Team Standing table. You’re saying I can still do that by getting the wins and losses per team (in the Games Table)? Apologies for the questions I am asking as I’m new to all of these. :slightly_smiling_face:


No worries, I was thinking if you can already determine the total number of wins and losses in the teams table for each team, you can then:

  • Create a math column to calculate the win percentage.
  • Use a collection to display all teams, sorted by win percentage descendingly.
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Thanks for the help. SOLVED! Exactly as you instructed.

Please see below images:

I generated the wins and losses from RESULTS (Games Table). Even separated the homes and visitors teams (for future use).


Then relate and rollup the games of each team from Games Table (in Team Table).

Afterwards, created Team Standing Tab (layout) then sort descending.

Again, thanks.

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My pleasure to help. Boston Celtics fan here.

Go Heat! :basketball:

Another scenario:

In the Standing, GSW is Rank 1st and Team 1 is Rank 2nd. What if in their game (GSW vs. Team 1), Team 1 won over GSW? Then Team 1 shall be rank 1st instead of 2nd.

Is there a way to do “tiebreakers” based on multiple criteria? (i.e. “win over the other”, “point differential among tied teams”)

Thanks in advance.

Use a math column that combines both and then sort by that. So it might be something like “Wins * 100 + Points Differential”

Once done with the games, the TEAM STANDING will automatically update (1st image). It will list the teams with their Wins and Losses. When you clicked the name of the team, you will go to the next image (listing all the games played).

Question: Is it possible to show only the games wherein the particular team (i.e. GS Warriors) played? The games of the other teams (they are not involved with) are not connected to GS Warriors in this example (G1 and G3).



You should be able to use a filter on the Collection.
Something like: “Team A is GSW OR Team B is GSW”

I did exactly as what you said. SOLVED. Thanks a lot. Appreciated very much the help.

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