Collaborate: Cron or trigger built by Us using MIT solutions to use ourselfs

Hi, Guys, No time to lost, Why not make by ourself?.

  1. Using npm Cron javascript library that point to Luxon objects used in Glide ref:Duration column
  2. Using npm croner javascript no dependency

We need a Cron at Glide App, Let’s start together.
Nooo, I will the demand to AI may be… :innocent:
Collaborators welcome

Glide has Scheduled Workflows - why do you need this?

We need simple scheduled triggers (max. 1-10 hours) that verify user-set timers to launch sound alerts or other actions. These triggers should rely on user time, not external timers. After 1 hour and 30 minutes, an action alert or sound should be activated, even if the phone is not in use.

I don’t believe that is possible with a PWA.

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