Clothing store inventory

Hi everyone! Im trying to make an app only for myself and my workers.

And here is the question. When i want to add to an inventory for example a t-shirt that has 3 sizes (s,m,l,) And i have a form with:


I want to make every single size to be located in different rows but with same

So basicaly i dont want to rerwrite every single size. I want to get one button that will add same content except size in different rows.

You can do this with the on submit action as part of the form submission. The form should have entry fields for everything except for size. The On submit action should be a custom action that first sets column value in this row and enter the first size (I imagine small).

After the first set column action, add two add row actions that use the form data for everything except for size. For size, your manually type in medium and large.

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