Clone the live version in order to edit it

Hi, my Glide app was just transfered from the account of the dev agency (Datapix) to my own Glide Account. When doing so, the content of my pages and actions were completely f*ucked. I have lost many of them (not sure if it’s a bug, or the dev agency’s fault). By chance, I have not published it again, so the live version is still good. How can I clone the live version in order to make an editable one ?

Have you contacted anyone at Datapix to see if they can shed some light? Did you make any changes to the app after you aquired ownership?

Hi Jeff

Datapix helped me reconnect all the workflow that got cut when the ownership was transferred (such as Make or Brevo), but they do not help further unfortunately. Not sure they know how to.

I have not touched anything when I obtained the ownership. Maybe the reason why it was broken is due the fact that my account was a free glide account when the ownership was transferred. Now, I am paying for the hosting at Glide, but it is already too late I’m afraid…

I really wish I could copy what’s live, and paste it as an editable version… :frowning:

Do you mean you lost the components on the screen, or the actions don’t work accordingly, or something else?

What plan are you on at the moment?


The screen is different. The landing page is supposed to show two buttons called “espace hôte” and “espace voyageurs” leading to two specific pages.
That landing page now shows a list of all users instead. As if the filters or the component was destroyed.

Also, the two other pages (“espace”) are simply gone. And it’s the main reason for my app !! :frowning: there are supposed to allow a search for a place to stay (sort of Airbnb).

Anyone knows how to clone the live version ? Is there anyone working for glide here ?

Thanks against folks.

I’m not aware that this is possible.

I’m surprised that Datapix will not help you. I would offer to take a look, but I’m guessing that your App is in French?

Hi Darren,
Thanks a lot for your message. Yes the app is in French haha.
Anyways, Datapix just called by and kindly helped me raise a ticket with Glide.
Let’s see if they respond. Stay tuned :slight_smile:


Please update us with more info if you can so we know what the cause was. Thank you!

Hi all. After weeks of investigation, I was not able to understand the root cause of these lost pages. I have rebuilt all functionnalities and links myself. Thanks anyways for your precious support.