Clear values from Form Container

Hello! My apologies if this has been answered before - couldn’t find the answer in the community. Does anyone know how to clear values from a form container after the User closes the overlay? Video below:


The form would clear if you submitted it.

Rather than a Form Container on a detail screen overlay, I would probably just use a Form Screen. It will function exactly the same and you shouldn’t have the issue of values being retained when closing the form without submitting.

Thanks for the quick reply, Jeff!

The reason why I am using a form container is because I have a custom text entry for validation (the video above is just an example).

The issue that I am facing is when a given user closes the overlay instead of clicking “submit”. Is this something that could be adjusted?

Here is the real app:

  • The admin will need to include a valid phone number before proceeding with the reservation. The problem is that the information from the previous form will remain there if it is not submitted. Not a major problem, just not ideal.

Screen Recording 2023-12-20 at 10.47.54 - Google Drive

In that case, I think you have to adjust the action that opens that overlay to be a custom action that first clears any fields before opening the form.

Understood! Is there any way I can clear the fields from this form? I did clear the “phone number” number entry, but can’t find a way to clear the form container values… :frowning:

Not any way that I can think of. I suppose it’s essentially showing and hiding the same screen, so it just picks up where you left off. I guess I really haven’t ever used the form container before, so I didn’t know it acted like that.

Probably would require a full custom form at this point.

Thanks, Jeff. Unfortunately, I was actually creating this as a way to avoid using custom forms due to the amount of updates it takes… I appreciate your help!

The below might give you some ideas.

I think Bob has a tutorial on that one somewhere, but I can’t find it right now.

Thanks @Darren_Murphy @Robert_Petitto - I actually used this video to create the hybrid form (super helpful!). However, I believe the issue is that I am unable to clear the values of the form container if a given user closes the “new screen”. Not sure if this is something that Robert is already aware of :thinking:

mmm, actually I think that is one reason why Bob uses that method, because half filled in forms don’t get reset if the screen is closed. So I think in his case, he considers it a “feature” to take advantage of.

As Jeff said, I don’t think there is any way to reset the values in a form container, other than to submit the form. At least, no way that I’m aware of.


Correct. For whatever reason, you can’t clear a form screen. I imagine there might be some sort of hack that I haven’t discovered yet…maybe something with visibility conditions…I’d have to play around with it.

What would be nice is if we could have a default value of “clear column” maybe?

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Until then, you probably just need a start over button with a set column action to clear the values (place it inside of the form container):
CleanShot 2023-12-20 at 14.30.00


Oh, this is very helpful at least for now! Thanks so much @Jeff_Hager @Darren_Murphy @Robert_Petitto :pray:t3:

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