WIll we ever be able to choose our own fonts?
I think you could do this using markdown
See this example:
You can use that method but it’s buggy at best and the team specifically says not to use markdown unless you’re okay with things breaking in your app.
Markdown is OK. HTML is what’s vulnerable. The Rich Text component is intended for Markdown.
Ah ha, awesome okay thanks!
@JWhiteside hopefully! Needs some careful design considerations from our team before we allow it however.
If you’re just looking for bigger text, I just discovered today that you could use the Title component and only fill the Title with the column that contains text.
Yeah that’s a good work around Jeff. Hoping in the future they allow for not only different fonts and colors but size and justification as well.
The problem with BOTH markdown and using title field is that carriage returns don’t work. At least not for me. So this text…
I want to do these 3 things:
- lose wight
- gain weight
- grow taller
Will look like this…
I want to do these 3 things: 1. lose wight 2. gain weight 3. grow taller
2 spaces and a carriage return (alt+enter) will work, or I believe ‘Char(10)’ will work with rich text.
Man if we could choose a few pre-selected Google fonts I’d be happy. I just want to use Poppins.