Choice component design issue

I am using choice component very often in my app. One of use cases is to select a day on a week, so 7 options for days.

Here is a screen shot:

It looks ugly breaking into new line although there is a plenty of space to keep it in the single row.

In the old glide this worked much better.

I am in the maker plan and can use CSS but avoiding CSS as much as I can to do not break cross browsers compatibility

Any suggestions or your experiences?

Ya, only way to get them all on the same line is to use CSS.

If I provide a CSS class of horizontal-choice to the choice component, then this CSS in the Settings> Appearance menu might work:

.horizontal-choice [class*="StyledUl"] {
    flex-wrap: nowrap !important;
    position: relative;
    overflow: auto;

CleanShot 2024-04-25 at 16.48.56


Can you elaborate on this? In which cases would you consider CSS to be likely to break cross browsers?

Thanks @Robert_Petitto

BTW - My Glide learning in the past few years was 90% achieved by your great video tutorials. Great work

I am in general very skeptical about CSS. And not familiar with it.

One of the most important reasons why I use Glide instead of coding is that Glide abstracts UI cross platform development and UX design

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Works! thanks Rob.

If you want to dive more into it, we have a public library here.

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My pleasure!

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