Hi…I have been looking thru the docs and community messages, but can’t seem to find a post explaining how to make a component within a collection change appearance to the user after it has been clicked. In my case, the user is looking at a list of questions and clicking on the question takes them to a detail screen for answering. The back button brings them back to the list of questions, but I would love for them not to lose track of where they are by having the question they already answered change in appearance. Thank you in advance for anyone willing to offer a suggestion! - g
Hi, @Gina_B !
You need to create User specific text column in question’s row.
On item clicked run custom action to set column value to “Viewed” to User specific Column and show detail screen.
Point Meta of items list to User specific Column.
You are a genius! Thank you so much! It worked perfectly! - g
I wonder if it’s possible to grey out the viewed rows instead of using Meta (too much text).
Have you considered using an answer column to track whether a question has been answered, rather than just tracking whether it has been clicked? This way, you could also display an image or an indicator that visually shows the answered status. You can customize the appearance of the question items in the list depending on this status, making it clearer for the user which questions they’ve already answered, without relying on click behavior alone.
If you will use Description field for answered and Title field for not answered it will looks like grayed.