Change users source files

Hi there Gliders,

I’m very much of a newbie here :baby:

My users database is on Glide:

I have 2 questions:

  1. How do I change the source to be from Google Sheets?
  2. The current Google Sheet Columns are as below, if I add more columns will it be reflected in the Glide APP?

Thank you,

Yes. Note that the User Profiles table requires 3 columns as a minimum: Name, Email & Image

@Darren_Murphy Thank you for the quick reply, regarding

Blockquote How do I change the source to be from Google Sheets?

The link you sent is showing how to set the data base, whereas im looking to CHANGE an existing setting… Could you maybe point me to a specific text on the Glide support so I can better search for it?

The link I gave you tells you exactly how to do it:


That did it @Darren_Murphy Thank you very much ! :star_struck:

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