Change text color of the inline list

I can’t seem to find a way to target placeholders, so if anyone can chime in and help it’d be appreciated.


/* This changes the color and font-size of email entry and text entry's titles*/

[data-test="app-text-field"] .tf-inner >* {
color: black;
font-size: 15px;

/* This changes the color and font-size of rating title */

[data-test="app-rating-component"] :nth-child(1) {
color: black;
font-size: 15px;


Hi - do you have script to change the colour of the displayed text within an inline list - I want the “Caption” or “details” text to be white so that it is not visible…


Why do you want to display something then make it not visible though? You can just leave that field out.

It’s for this.

Yes !

I have now used this script and it works well (changing the element that I don’t want to appear to white)
HOWEVER, as soon as you enter anything in the search bar, it reverts to standard colors (Black & Grey) - any ideas?

This should be a feature request. You all have me over trying to do some code and stuff…lol…I need simple. :laughing: :laughing:

Once you start to use the search, then the screen essentially converts to a list view, since you are only searching the inline lists. This causes all other components to hide. I would instead try to get the column as hidden text in the item details view, like I mentioned in your other post. It should still be searchable, but hidden from view.

Can anyone refer me to where I change/input the script in Glide? Is this all done from the Google sheet side running the Apps script? :man_facepalming:

Script or CSS? Scripts are done in the google sheet and affect data in the google sheet. CSS can be placed in a rich text component either directly, or you can have the CSS in a column in the table and pull from that column into the rich text component.

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Here be dragons…


:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :upside_down_face: I’m claiming to be a beginner.

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Um…what do dragons have to do with this. Now, I feel as if I’m in a scene of GOT…lol

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I have tried but to no avail
Not so very important but just to show I have tried !!

No not like that. You don’t need the pre/span/style stuff. You can put the CSS directly in a div tag. Do something like this in a template column:

<div hidden>xaccent</div>

Then replace xaccent with the x accent column value. Then display that template column using a rich text component in your item details screen.

This is not going to work (I have tried)
Because I am trying to display (or not display) in an inline list (Not rich text) so the code just shows up
I have got round the problem for the list by using CSS script to make the text white but when I use the search bar then the CSS script does not work and I see the text that I want to hide
… Its alright - I’ll just tell people why there is a couple of unaccented text…

If only someone now the Script for the inline list once the search bar had been triggered then it would make it work just fine

This is the CSS for the inline list before the search is triggered


[data-test=“list-item”] .textStyle{
color: #655336; font-size: 12px;
[data-test=“list-item”] .textDetailStyle{
color: #7495B4; font-size: 12px;
[data-test=“list-item”] .textCaptionStyle{
color: white; font-size: 5px; "

And gives this

But as soon as the search bar is triggered it shows like this

Or with the HTML

But why bother trying to put it in the list as invisible text? You shouldn’t have to add it to the list at all. If you put it in the item’s details view, it’s still should be searchable as the search function should be searching everything visible in the list, as well as everything that’s shown as a component in the details view for each item. The point is to get it in the details, so it’s searchable, but wrap it with the div tags so it’s still there but invisible.



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Hi all, I miss some detail because I try to work with css in my app but nothings happend.

I put the css for inlist at Title field, to see what’s happend (my final intention is to change the background color off all items in the list)

Could you see the screenshot? my title becomes a mass of css text, is not process the code

Sorry my english

I be waiting some help