Change Date Format

That’s where it gets kind of gross. Glide currently doesn’t have any padding functionality, but there are a couple of ways to trick it.

  • This way requires an IF/THEN column to see what the range of numbers is, and then combines with a template column, it appends the leading zeros.
    Auto Numbering - #12 by Darren_Murphy

  • This is another way that calculates the number into decimal form, then you use a template and replacements to remove the decimal and anything to the left, but the last time I tried this, I could only replace with a column that contained a space, so I’m not sure if it would properly trim the result. Plus the precision starts to kick in on a math column, so anything beyond 4 decimal places would be lost.
    Auto Numbering - #17 by Jeff_Hager

  • The last option I can think of is to “prefix” the number by adding 999900000000 and then using a template column to replace 9999 with a blank. Again, I’m not sure if it properly trims the result, but now that I think about it, I guess if the column you are using for the replacement is just full of null values instead of spaces, then it should work. Same with the second method above.


So in the image below, the first column is the date. The second column is an empty column (null values). (It’s user specific in this image, but it doesn’t have to be.) The third column is the math column. The fourth column is a template column to convert the math column into a string. The fifth column is a template column that uses column W as the template and replaces ‘9999’ with the null value in column T.