Can't sell Templates anymore?

Hi friends,
Today 4th July 2022, I was trying to sell one of my apps as a Template, but as you can see, this option does not appear anymore at Settings as usual.

Do you know if there is another way to get there, or Glide is not allowing this function anymore?

My app is Published and I was finishing the tutorial video to send it.

Thanks in advance.

Carlo Riente

Hi @Polux_Studio,

I think that is not available now and for submit templates Glide released a new tab called Templates.


Not sure if there’s a way to move the apps there. Maybe Santiago ( @SantiagoPerez ) can add some more informartion?

Thank you


Hi Dilon,
Thank you very much for your reply.

You’re right, it seems there is a new way to do so, which is different of what we did in the past.

Is there a new tap called “Templates” and it will show you all projects that you have.

Then you must click on it and in the right corner at the top you can publish it.


Captura de Pantalla 2022-07-04 a la(s) 2.34.11 p.m.

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