I have alot of places i need to pretty print times in various formats, as it take a few columns everytime I thought to jump into experimental code columns.
I’m beyond newbie in using github or replit.
I know a little JS so I thought I’ll do something simple, convert the glide replit starter code to pretty print some minutes into the format hh:mm:ss.
I changed the JSON as described here
I converted it to take one parameter - a minute-number from a rollup and otherwise default to 0 (now it’s set to another number to check if everything computes as I want it to).
I copy/pasted the URL into the experimental code column in Glide and it gives me the option to fill in minutes parameter.
However I can’t get it to return and value (I’ve set the return as string in the JSON).
Does anyone know where I go wrong?
This is my code: https://replit.com/@kTrager/MinSec#function.js