Cancel subscription

I want to cancel my subscription. How can I do that?

You should be able to do that via the Billing section of your Glide dashboard.

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I don’t quite see that. Could you give me the link or screen capture?

Actually, I just checked and it’s now done via the Customer Portal. See below:

There are different versions of this out there, so what you see might not be exactly the same. If you can’t find it, send me a screen shot of what you do see on your Billing Screen and I might be able to direct you.

Screenshot 2024-03-05 at 15.45.23

why i dont see billing option on the left corner of my screen?

Are you an Admin of the team? (check in Members)

yes i am

Can you tell me which plan you have?
I suspect you may have an older legacy plan.

i have just registered for maker plan last week. so i assume it is a new one?

looks like i have figured out, thanks Darren!

Excellent - where was it hiding?

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