Can you make a calendar list only make clickable in the future?

To me, a calendar is a list sorted on time. I was expecting to be able to click dates in the future as well as in the past. Am I right that’s not the case? Are only items today or in the future clickable to the details view? Or do I miss an option in the editor?

All items should be clickable. The only case I can think of where they wouldn’t be is if you were using a custom action with a condition that didn’t return true.
Can you show an example where the items aren’t clickable?

I had a calendar where the items (all second half 2021) weren’t clickable but were clickable when I changed the dates to the second half of the year 2022. I’ll see what happens when I change them to 2021 again.

Mmm … so far not repeatable … weird.