Calendar: Multiple data sources feeding to one calendar

Hi Nathan :wave: Here is how I would do it. I’ll would first bring my two date columns into the same table, I’ll assume you have done that. Now you need to merge/collate these two columns: one list of dates below the other and we need values (not arrays).

You can use the screenshot below to follow along:

  • RowID column
  • RowIDsArray column: Do a lookup on the RowID column.
  • RowIDIndex column: Do a “Find element index” on the RowIDsArray column.
  • We already have our two basic date columns: Dates1, Dates2
  • Dates1Array: Do a lookup on the Dates1 column.
  • Dates2Array: Do a lookup on the Dates2 column.
  • Now let’s merge Dates1Array and Dates2Array: use the “Make array” computed column (the /Array/Append array computed column would work too).
  • We now have merged/collated our dates into an array. Each row of Dates1+2Array column is exactly the same. Now let’s transpose this array vertically into values.
  • Dates1+2Array->List column. Use a single value computed column: get “from start”, row “RowIDIndex”, from “Dates1+2Array”. This will take the 1st element (index 0), then 2nd element (index 1) and so on of the elements in the array and turn them into a value.
  • Note: If Dates1 has m dates and Dates2 n dates, we will need m+n rows in our table to make this work.
  • Apply the calendar collection to the Dates1+2Array->List column.

Data editor


Display monthly/weekly view

I don’t know about Apps, but on Pages the responsive mobile version allows the user to toggle nicely between the daily, monthly and weekly views.