Calendar component need a some fixes of items (when more items are at time)

Hi Team,
Can you fix some of this problems please.
1/ Local Settings of Items views in Calendar component reading as month
You read “+4 more” not respecting my language. “4 de plus” ou “4 más”…

2/ Calendar at week
Confusing view using the same color, no other way to make this? It’s ugly

3/ Calendar as Day. Confusing at same time. It’s ugly

To replicate this change your local settings (case 1), add more events at same days(case 2), and more events a same(case3).
Good work, today. Regards

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Why not add some random or gradual color to complete the settings theme used to build these items. Like #XXXXX+4 or similar. I don’t like very much but you can offer a set of choices for this.

Put something in the Group By if you want color.

OK you win but Language issue is needed. Regards

@glide_help Need language translation for calendar. Issue #1 in origin post.

Merci @Jeff_Hager ! I’ll flag this for the team.


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