Buy button not appearing in glide app

Hello folks,
Sample apps URL:

I am not able to get the buy button for the app [I have the product name, SKU and price in the data set]. The issue is as well replicated where I am getting data from google sheets and microsoft excel online.

I am sure I am missing something here. Help please, anyone!?


buy button is no longer available for free apps…
you can create your own buy button, here are the samples:

Thanks Uzo. Do you know if this is with Starter pack or with Pro?

yes, it is available for starters…
get my templet… :wink:
one-time fee, no subscription! and it writes back to GS and adjusts inventory stock…
I’m working on the new version, that you can embed in Glide or any website… it should be ready in 2 weeks

for now, only Stripe and Checks are working if you wanna test it

Are you using computed columns for any of your buy button settings? The buy button does not play well with computed columns, such as a math column.


Hey Jeff. No, simple number column… :frowning: