Button to add new row using form is hidden when collection is empty


I am creating a workflow using the “Upvote” template but I am facing a problem.
I have a collection displayed along with the button to add a new entry using a form. But somehow, if the collection is initially empty, the button won’t show up. Only when the collection has some items, that the button to add a new entry shows up.

Can you please help ?


I faced this problem in many occasions, However i used to add a row with Zero text in any cell in single empty row, the table will never be empty, then i filter that table to exclude the empty row. I hope it help in your case

That is the expected behaviour. What I usually do is showing a title component with the same action when there are no rows to display.

Thanks for replying! The issue is that I am filtering the data for the screen by applying a filter. Meaning; the items are displayed only if the current user is the one who has added them. In this case, if the user hasn’t added any items the list is blank (which is fine) but the button is also hidden. Again, the only workaround for this is adding a blank row for every item which I don’t want to do.

I would create a separate single row table and use it as the source of your tab. On that screen you can then place your inline list that points to the correct table, along with your button to add rows.


unfortunately, it is also faded out when the table is empty. i tried that too.

I am using a blank row as the solution then filtering it out from the targeted table.

Thanks Jeff. That worked!

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I almost always build my tabs on the user profile’s row, so the empty row thing never happens to me.

An alternative is to use a hint component, I guess.


Thank you for sharing your respected experience with us. i will try to implement that.
Actually a page starts looks pretty when displaying a contents. so i will try to add an image field contains an image to imitate the look of entered data, than disappear when any data start to be incorporated.

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