Building a matching-App

Hi! I have zero coding-know how (or any other technical know how) and am a bit lost. I am studying social work and want to build an app for a course in college. I need two people to be able to answer certain questions. They have three options (“yes” “no” “maybe”) and are only getting to see the answers from another if at least one klicked yes and the other one klicked at least maybe or yes aswell. Then it’s a match and they are shown in a “match”-tab.
I have the questions in a table, they have their own question-ID and I have a second table with the possible answers linked to the Question-ID (so → 40 questions and 120 possible answers).

But: how do I go on from now? I have chosen the “cards” component for my questions. But how do i enable users to answer them?
I tried it with Button Blocks but can’t figure out how to properly use them to save the answers and link them to another users answers.

I’m sorry if anything is unclear, english isn’t my first language and writing about technical stuff in english is out of my comfort-zone. Please feel free to ask if you have questions :slight_smile:

Greetings, Fany

Welcome to the Glide Community :slight_smile:

If you are totally new to Glide and no-code App building, I would really recommend spending a bit of time in the Glide University and work your way through the Introductory and Getting Started lessons. This will give you a grounding in the basics/essentials, and will probably answer most of your questions along the way.