BUG in AI Component?

I keep getting this (occasionally) when building an AI choice component.

So far so good but this is what I get after I select the first item the choice component is below. If I reload the page I get the normal choice selector (see above).

The prompt is: Create a dropdown choice selector with 8 menu items from Data Menu Item 1 thru 8. (I created Menu Item 1 thru 8 in the data section and then put in the prompt)

You see the create an account message? I am not sure to understand…

Yes…after I click on an item I get the Sign in message from Glide where the AI component should be. If I refresh the screen I get the Menu Choice AI Component.

I wonder if the click action is trying to open a url. Might be worth just asking the AI what it’s doing when you select a choice. Or even just tell it what it’s doing wrong. Sometimes it will figure it out and fix the problem. Sometimes I’ll also ask it to show debug info to get a little insight into what’s happening behind the scenes.

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