Right panel component editor not displaying

Selecting Custom AI code causes the right component panel to disappear.
And subsequently selecting the other text component won’t display anything.

Weirdly, it happen for this app, but when I jump over to the other. The custom code is working.

custome code bug

If you clear the browser’s cache, is it working?

Nope. Does work.

What browser are you using?

Brave Browser.
I tried another app and the custom AI code is working correctly.

It happen to this app for now. I will just not use the custom code.

Wanted to create an accordion.

Try to duplicate the app and see if it persist.

Duplicated, same bug issue.

Open console with F12. Do you see any error in the console when clicking that component? After you opened devtools, refresh the page.

@ThinhDinh Bug? Don’t know if the console shows an error from an extension or if it comes from Glide builder.

I would try opening that app in another browser. If it doesn’t work, then maybe he can copy the underlying code of the component and paste it to a whole new AI component to “refresh” it.

What action does that component do or is it just for displaying stuff @Trustin ?

Hi, Tested on MS Edge browser, the same bug appears.
I can’t input anything as it appears blank on the right panel which cause the rest of the components to be blank also.

Update: I got that problem. Figured it was actually a network issue. The organization was blocking the glide.info domain for the ai component. (Now fixed)
Is your network blocking this?

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Tried duplicating the app, similar issue. So yes i guess somehow somewhere the network or code is being blocked for the Ai component. I am not using the component for now. But just raising this to the team.

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