Automatic Billing Cycle

Hello,I have one sheet which i have Rental Details of the Machine.
Start Date | End Date | Client | Machine ID | Rental Type | Rental Rate etc.

And also, I have another one sheet for Account.

Inv Date | Client | Machine ID | Amount to be Inv

Let say,

Example 1:
In Machine Sheet
Start Date | End Date | Client | Machine ID | Rental Type | Rental Rate etc.
1/1/2023 | 31/3/2023 | ABC SDN BHD | Machine 1 | Monthly | 5000

Example 2:
Start Date | End Date | Client | Machine ID | Rental Type | Rental Rate etc.
3/1/2023 | 20/4/2023 | DEF SDN BHD | Machine 2 | Monthly | 4000

and i am using Apps Script that run every day which will come out for each 1st date of each month (in this case) in the Account sheet.

Example 1:
Inv Date | Client | Machine ID | Amount to be Inv | Invoiced ?

  1. 1/1/2023 | ABC SDN BHD | Machine 1 | 5000 | TRUE
  2. 1/2/2023 | ABC SDN BHD | Machine 1 | 5000 | FALSE
  3. 1/3/2023 | ABC SDN BHD | Machine 1 | 5000 | FALSE

Example 2:
Inv Date | Client | Machine ID | Amount to be Inv

  1. 3/1/2023 | DEF SDN BHD | Machine 2 | 4000 | TRUE
  2. 3/2/2023 | DEF SDN BHD | Machine 2 | 4000 | TRUE
  3. 3/3/2023 | DEF SDN BHD | Machine 2 | 4000 | FALSE
  4. 3/4/2023 | DEF SDN BHD | Machine 2 | 2266 (will calculate prorated) | FALSE

because we need to notify the accountant the invoice.

Is there any ways to do in Glide ?

Not for now, because you can’t have time-based triggers to add rows every day, but it might become available later this year.

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