AutoIncrement a value when a deeplink or link to inner page is visited

I want to auto-increment a column value of a particular record when even the deeplink url is hit and user navigated to the glide app inner page.

I have listed 10 Games. First screen shows all the games and second the detail of that particular game. Behind the scene it’s a single excel sheet with 10 rows. Each item has a value visitcount. When any one visit a particular game from the first screen, i am able to increment the visitcount for that game but now the link to the particular game can also be shared with anyone. In that case how can i increment the visitcount value?

so… to count tab visits, you will have to create some clever trick to force users to click something on that tab when visiting… and assign custom action to increment the counter and turn off the visibility for that counting element…
it can be a button with greetings… or some animation with your logo…
I did that in my Code BOOK app.