Assigning Calendars


  1. I’m working on a lead tracker app and have added a calendar so an agent can log a call they will be having with a lead. But how do I set it so the agent can only see the bookings they have made? (at the moment, all users can see all bookings)

  2. Is there any way to link a booking or provide a cal file so the agent can add/sync it to their own Google/Mac cal?


When the agent logs a call, use a screen value/user profiles value to pass the agent’s ID to a column in the Calls table.

Then, create a relation from the Users table to the Calls table, make it a multiple match.

Then use the relation for your collection.

Please try Agical.

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Could you use a zap to generate a link maybe?

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Agical doesn’t seem to work

but i managed to get it to share so now the logged in user can see only their events thanks

Can you show us how you’re configuring Agical?