Are in app notifications user specific?

As push notifications are currently disabled we’re looking at in app notifications as an option.

Can in app notifications be sent to specific users? For example the flow we’re currently trying is for a comment action.

When a user adds a comment, if the user’s ID isn’t the same as the one posting a comment then they will see an in app notification. This doesn’t seem to be working so just checking if actions such as these are user specific. As in this action will run for the user taking the trigger action only.

You can’t make the ‘Show Notification’ action trigger on another user’s device. That notification is only local to the device triggering the action.

You are better off writing something to a table, and based on what is written, show something on the screen.

Thanks for Clarifying Jeff, thought so but was hopeful.

That’s a good idea, we’ll take a look at that route.

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We’ve gone for adding a bell emoji to the beginning of comments in the latest comment column of a table, if the comment is less than 5 mins old.

Not ideal but helps new comments stand out for users.
Previously comments triggered a push notification for all other users (with some relevant filters).


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