Also be careful, if you use a Text-Entry component directly to do a search, the APIs are called for each character entered. (I recommend using a button to validate the search)
Here is an attempt to cache API calls.
To limit the number of calls to an API, here is some code with caching.
(There may be another method !!)
yep … thats why i made restriction to return from function if parameter is empty… later i add if is bigger than 3 characters that dont contain digits thats cut off api calls by 80%
The problem is if you use an array, for example, addresses and you add a YC column with the API calls, if you have 100 rows, I think and I’m pretty sure when opening the app (and even with this cache) it will have 100 API calls for refresh.
So for paying, it must be limited to a particular search
hmmm… but is a correct full address that you are looking for?
my point is… you can eliminate few unnecessary calls if you limit entry output… in a scale of a month with many users… that might save you good money… for a personal use. you prabably never gonna cross free limit… so no need for restrictions at-all