Airtable Integration Choice in Layout>>Integrations menu MISSING

Glide App Noob here.

All my projects NO longer offer the Layout>>Integration choice to add integration with Airtable. Likewise new Projects give error “There was an issue loading your bases. Please refresh the list to try again.” when Airtable button is selected as the data source.

Precursor events of note–
It worked earlier in the day when I was developing. Then for reasons I do not understand I started getting the “No Sheets!” error on syncing requests suing the GUI sync button for Data Sources on bottom left of screen to the right of the AirTable data source label.

After trying the troubleshooting options from Glide App documentation without success. I deleted all the projects using that Airtable base. I then saw that the AirTable API credential was still available in new projects so I deleted the string and hit save. It was within minutes after that while doing more development that the Airtable Integration choice went missing and the new project Airtable option started failing.

It made me sad. Anyone know how to recover from the above?


Seems like there are some problems with Airtable integration this week, I have seen some more posts about it.

If this issue still persists, please get support from within Glide while the app is open by selecting the “?” button at the bottom right. That will bring you to a support page, which currently has an “Open Support Ticket” link.

Have you find a solution? I got the same problem