AI -> Image to Text

Hi All,

Goal: The user uploads a UML / BPMN diagram (picture), and the app analyzes and evaluates it using AI mechanisms.

Question: Is there a way to invoke Python or JavaScript code from within Glide to perform image analysis (specifically using the gpt-4-vision-preview model)? Can Make/Zapier be used for this?

I tried using the AI Image2Text feature in Glide, but it doesn’t work well for me (by the way, which model does Glide use - from Google or OpenAI, and is there a way to customize the prompt used by Glide)?


from openai import OpenAI

api_key = ‘sk-…’

image_url = “

client = OpenAI(api_key=api_key)

response =
“role”: “user”,
“content”: [
{“type”: “text”, “text”: “What does the diagram show - describe it in Polish and find any errors in it.”},
“type”: “image_url”,
“image_url”: {
“url”: image_url,
“detail”: “high”

Best Regards,

I believe they use OpenAI’s model under the hood, but I’m not entirely sure. I assume you are using the “Image to Text” column, but “Complete chat” might actually be what you need instead.

It allows you to add an image, and ask a question, whilst “Image to text” doesn’t allow you to specify a prompt, I believe.

@ThinhDinh Thank you very much!
First tests show that it works much better. There is not always a stable answer - but I will definitely test this method.


Ooh this could be helpful for my recent new question- thanks!


Can you check if it works for you? I am trying to use an image in different ways but always receive the same error:

Complete chat: Invalid type for messages[1].content[1]image_url: expected an object, but got a string instead.


Please try a model that has the “vision” capability. In my test, “gpt-4-1106-vision-preview” works.

Maybe it worked, but now it doesn’t (anymore). I was just trying gpt-4-turbo-2024-04-09 (also tried gpt-4o etc.) and got the same error:

Invalid type for 'messages[1].content[1].image_url': expected an object, but got a string instead.

Tried with different fields, too (conditional, template, file). Any ideas? Has the integration changed?


If you’re using Image to Text (which is the column mentioned in the post title), it’s working for me.

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Ehm I see, no, I am using “Complete chat” with the OpenAI integration.

Unrelated but I swore Image to Text previously cost only 1 update and not 2…

@Jeremy Can you check this? Thank you.

Also, as you have a paid plan, you can chat with the team using the Intercom messenger.

We have now launched the intercom messenger in the builder. Instead of submitting a ticket, folks with paid plans can use the messenger to contact support. We'll be updating docs as soon as we have the full details!

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