Action Row was working and then turned grey, not sure how to get back

I have been using action rows and then using the “Naviation / Show New Screen” to create new pages that I can use for custom information. This has worked well, but today one of my action buttons turned grey and doesn’t seem to work anymore. I’m not sure why or how to recover the (sub?) page I setup with it.

Is there a way to view all the sub/pages that can be created when you choose “show New Screen”

Also what is a compound action and why can’t I see the details of the action?

An action turns grey or the entire component will disappear with the associated action is invalid. To test that this is the issue, you can replace your action by “Show notification”. If the action can now be performed, it means your original action was faulty (writing to inexistant rows, impossible conditions, using an integration that is not set up, etc.)

Unfortunately there is no Pages Editor. The closest thing we have to that are the tabs, upper left pane, in the Layout Editor. The tabs section shows the high level tab, not all subsequent detail, edit, form, new, and user screens. This is especially problematic to locate missing new screens, as you seem to be experiencing.

You might be referring to what we call custom actions. A custom action is a sequence of actions, and you can access and build custom actions in the Actions Editor.

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