Here’s a new template that can be rolled out in minutes for any organization that wants to allow staff to return to on-site work.
The goal is to allow staff to return to an on-site work environment, while at the same time, promote physical distancing measures by limiting capacities.
This template allows organizations to assign capacities to various areas of their building(s). Staff are then able to book a space for a particular day. Once all slots are taken for a specific space on a specific day, no one else can reserve the space. Details can be added to each room to provide details around the type of equipment available, or cleaning processes that must be done before/after using the space.
Note: There is also a premium version that includes a Health Check as part of the check-in process to ensure staff are not reporting to on-site work with any symptoms. More information about the premium version is available through a PM.
Please see the video below for more information, or check it out in the Template Store