Using custom time filter, along with filter for Employee

I used the guide for setting up the filter by date range. I got it all working, however the issue im having is when i add a second employee’s time into the mix it will add the total amount in the sum of total amount with the second employees amount.
So if employee one worked for $900 worth of time, the filter will change this value perfectly so for one day I could show $300 on the total field.
But when a second employee is added to the mix lets say worked one day as well at $300, then the total would show $600 cause its not filtering out the employees hours from the totals in the fields.
I used the method to filter time by using all and range in the User table, and they are user specific, so when I log in as one employee the filter range is just for that employees data. But the roll up i’m trying to use is still taking the data from the second employee which is not part of the filter.
Any suggestions?

I think it’s a problem of your relation/query not filtering out the amount for each employee.

If it’s those employee themselves trying to view their rollup, you can do a query like this in your Users table, targetting the Logs table:

  • UserID is this row > rowID
  • Add date range filters here

Then rolup the sum on top of the query.

If that doesn’t work, please show us screenshots of your setup.