Using a "Helper Table" to filter - instead of the Users Table


I frequently use the “User” table to store user specific values which can then be easily accessed from other tables - such as filter choices / screen width etc.

But an app I am working on now needs to be set to Public Access - no user sign in required - so the user table is out.

I have therefore set up a “Helper” table with a single row, which will store the necessary values in User Specific Columns.

Am I right in saying that to access that single row - and grab the User Specific values I need - I need to add a “Single Value, First, Whole Row” column to the table I need to access the data from? I then add look up columns as required to bring the values I need?

I think that’s right - but as I have a few hundred rows in the table I need to bring the value into - and it is the same value in all rows - I just thought I’d check as it looks odd and feels a little clunky.

Hope that makes sense.

You can directly point Single Value columns at each column in one step instead of the two step process of getting the whole row followed by a Lookup. Unless of course, you are using the single value whole row to with a set column values action to update those columns values…then it doesn’t matter much.

If you have a helper table for each screen, or a single helper table shared across multiple screens, then you don’t need to bring that value into several hundred rows. Set your screen source to use the helper table, and set filters accordingly from there.


Thanks so much Jeff - really appreciate it and very helpful.

All makes sense


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