Tutorial: Arrayformula in Google Sheets, good practices & how to overcome Arrayformula restrictions with scripts

Hi @ThinhDinh,
thank you so much for sharing this tutorial.
I’m trying with the good practices but i encountered an issue.

In column ‘U’ I have numeric values fetched from an API through ImportJSON function. For some reason Google Sheet doesn’t seem to recognize this data as numbers, so I made this trick to create an auxiliary column ‘Y’ with an ARRAYFORMULA that simply adds a zero to the values in ‘U’ column.

This trick works fine with a simple ARRAYFORMULA I put on Y2 cell:

Now, following the tutorial, I’m trying to do something more robust putting on Y1 this formula:

={"Aqius Value";ARRAYFORMULA(IF(AND(H2:H="",U2:U=""),"",IF(AND(H2:H<>"",U2:U<>""),U2:U+0,IF(AND(H2:H<>"",U2:U=""),"No data"))))}

And this is what I get:

What I’m doing wrong? Any idea?

Thank you