Treasure Hunt

Hi there i am trying to build a treasure hunt app that uses real world locations. The Treasure hunt includes questions and answears that player need to answear the correct answear to earn some EXP and coins to go to next level.
I am trying to make one but failing by dont know how to connect theese sheets togheter and what sheets tok make. I also looked up on youtube there is one youtuber named Robert Petitto he made a guide but is very outdated. Does anyone have experience on building a treasure app and can assist me to build one or explain how the data works?

So what’s your ideal user flow? They have to get to those real world locations to be able to answer questions, and once they get it correct they are rewarded with something?

How do they get to the next level? How many attempts do they get per question?

Hey that’s me! :wink:

It’s outdated, yes, but the premise works the same.

  1. Create a table of locations with GPS coordinates
  2. Add a distance column that tracks how far away the user is from the locations
  3. Add a visibility condition on some sort of button for each location that allows it to be clicked → completed when the distance is less than your specified threshold
  4. Click the button to open a form screen of some sort to award the XP to the user and also prevent the user from logging the location again.