Title with background image

I want to make the title have a bluish shape in the background since I want to use it to bring the user data and improve the visibility of the app. Is it possible to do this?

CSS Title Bar with clickable images (Logo + Profile) & texts?

Or this:

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In fact, I’ll use all of that later. But for now I need to put the “title” above an image.

So your name would be on top of the image, then with a background as well?

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Exactly what I need. Correct

Got it.


[data-test="app-summary"] >div {
flex-direction: column-reverse;
background: #5ac9f8;
border-radius: 15px;

[data-test="app-summary"] :nth-child(2) >div {
color: white;
font-weight: 550;
margin-top: 10px;

Man, you make my days happy hahaha. Thank you very much, genius!

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Good job @ThinhDinh!!!


This is where some of the new Pages stuff can collide and take over the Apps components. The Pages Title component is a thing of beauty! Background image with ability to lighten/darken/blur. It’s great!