Time picker

Use 12/30/1899 as a 0 am and display only time, 12/31/ 1899 would be 24 hours and if you convert 12/31/1899 to a number. it will give you 1, now just divide by 24 for hours. than again by 60 for minutes and again by 60 for seconds… add result to a current DATE() and you have time for calculations if business is open now

Example use for time picker.

I know this does not quite fit as this is mostly about time of days but I would like an hours minutes seconds picker. The use case is for time entries from say a race. I would like the seconds to be specifiable to the number of decimal places.

You could create 3 choice components. One each for Hours, Minutes, and Seconds. The user can select from all three and you can write the decimal equivalent into the sheet. All you need is a sheet with 60 rows to list all hours/minutes/seconds in three columns and their corresponding decimal value in three more columns.


You could probably do something like this in a math column


Then you will probably need a template column to replace the decimal point with a ‘:’.

Otherwise you can break the math out (and exclude the divide by 100) into two columns to get 10 in one column and 15 in another column, then use a template column to join the two values together with ‘:’.


Did this for hours minutes seconds and the tenths as well. So no issues. Would really like a slick editor like the date time though.

BTW the one user I tried it on liked it better than typing

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My app is a little different but that is essentially what i did

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to make it easy, i created a time picker:


adjust business open hours and check if is open now (click image to open this App)

Screen Shot 2021-05-02 at 4.39.49 PM Screen Shot 2021-05-02 at 4.17.31 PM` .

Your time-picker is exactly what I need. How do I incorporate it in my app? (I am a beginner)

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it is a quite complex app, probably day or two work for an expert

Thanks Uzo. i’ll resort to using Date+Time picker and then deleting the date.

from my experience, that would not give you good results… best way is to create your own time format and have formula to translate it to universal Glide or Google format for other purposes

how do i upvote this?

Click on the vote button on the original post at the top.

derp. I was looking for it on the same row as Reply. I’m sure I saw it somewhere else in other posts.

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I would also love to see this implemented … I see we have the option to create a column based on time only, but there isn’t a field that can select only the time so no exact match for that column

My approach would be something like this

  • when a date & time column has only time selected the component date should display only the time and store it in that column … also , it should be renamed to Date and Time