Hi there!
I remember some one solve it by css but i can’t see it in the Community.
Please point me or give some suggestions.
Big thanks!
Hi there!
I remember some one solve it by css but i can’t see it in the Community.
Please point me or give some suggestions.
Big thanks!
Okay from now on when I see “with CSS”, I’ll suggest “have you tried the custom AI component”? I wonder if this can be hardcoded into the forum
But seriously, have you tried the custom AI component?
Would you mind clarifying what you mean by “Two rows Table collection Header”, or would you have a screenshot of what you mean?
Thanks, @nathanaelb for income!
I spend so many hours, days, trying to tell Glige AI component to understand me and i find it is much more effectivelly to craft it by another way. Glide AI component is greate for simple cases and not for production for now.
Upd with image
Ah. In your original post I think I read “Custom collection”. I possibly misread. But this is a collection with the style table and you want to put the column header on two lines.
I wouldn’t know. I’m a little of a goody two-shoes – or at least rule-abiding, let’s make it less pejorative – in that I usually try to avoid to attempt something that’s not meant to be attempted. Really the column header isn’t supposed to display two lines, so I personally would just avoid wanting that.
I noticed you want to see the total, have you considered a Big Numbers component instead?
No, for BIG Number - no. It is very common practice to see column totals in top of the column in each column.
@slscustom.ru, is your total of $750 static data?
Normally is Rollup column
I will be surprised to know that it is impossible to allow wrapping in header
Theoretically, it is not possible to make it two lines for the header. If this is a wrapping issue, it is highly influenced by the width of your column and can be achieved with CSS.
Yes i mean to set width enough to wrapping and use css to allow wrapping
This is in ultra demand
class name: newTable
.newTable table > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td {
vertical-align: top;
.newTable table > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr > td > button > span {
white-space: normal;
display: -webkit-box;
-webkit-line-clamp: 2;
-webkit-box-orient: vertical;
text-align: center;
/*Adjust column width*/
.newTable table > tbody:nth-child(1) > tr:nth-child(1) > td:nth-child(3) {
min-width: 6rem;
Wow will test it thanks!
One million thanks @Himaladin! It works also with auto width, not perfect, but enough! Thanks!!!
Yes, you cannot use ‘auto’ for the width. If you look at the last code, there is td:nth-child(3). This refers to the column order.
Above screen is width auto
If your word breaks have the same average width, you can use min-width and max-width constraints. And remove :nth-child(3), it will apply to all columns.
Using auto may behave differently when dealing with different screen sizes.
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