Summing up by group

I have a table of PO elements.

I create a PO and then I add items to that PO.
I have a table that has rows of items and which PO they are linked to, I want to calculate the total value of a PO, how do I do it.

I wan to do some something like rollup or group by “PurchaseOrderNo” but then I wan to do a SUM on the TotalPrice and put it into a column called POTotal

In your PO Table, create a multiple relation that matches each PO with the associated rows in the PO Items table. Then do a rollup->sum of the total price through that relation.

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:exploding_head: :exploding_head: :exploding_head: It works, now I just need to decipher it so I can apply in other scenarios.

Thank you…

Just for future reference, if you need to match multiple conditions, use a query column instead of a relation.

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