Stack-ranking question?

Has anyone created a solution for stack-ranking in Glide? I have surveys where users stack-rank what’s important to them by clicking and dragging up/down, so most important is at top. Since Glide forms aren’t as sophisticated in form fields, I’m wondering if anyone has another suggestion.


I don’t think you could achieve this yet by dragging up and down.

However you can definitely achieve this by displaying a collection and two item collection actions “Move up” and Move down". Behind the actions are +1 and -1 increments with conditions on the first and last items where “Move up” will be hidden if index equals 0 and “Move down” will be hidden if index equals max of number of items in the collection.


would this work if the users have up to 20 surveys?

If you’re asking about Nathanael’s method above, it would work regardless of the number of surveys.

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Great solution @nathanaelb :tada:
Thank you.