I don’t know the answer to that. It’s probably more a of a limit on Google’s end that data can only synchronize so often. I’m sure there’s rate limits in play somewhere along the line. Like I’ve mentioned several times before, calculations need to use glide computed columns if you want instant results. There’s no way around that. Computed columns run calculations directly on the user’s device, so there is absolutely no delay. Relying on the sheet to handle calculations means data has to sync from app to glide to google and back again. There’s several hops for the data to travel between the app and a couple of servers. I don’t know what to tell you. There will be a delay if you are purely relying on the google sheet to handle all calculations.
At this point, my only advice would be to consider an Enterprise plan so you can possibly gain access to Glide’s API’s that can directly update glide tables. This would probably require Google scripting and/or some integration with Integromat or Zapier to call the API’s whenever values change in the sheet. It still wouldn’t be as instant as using Glide’s computed columns, but might be slightly faster. The other option would maybe be to use the javascript plugin to either run calculations directly in the javascript column, or use it to call API’s in your sheet to get and return results.
It’s really hard to say what you need. Your current methods and processes are going to introduce a delay, no matter how you cut it. No matter what, that data has to make several hops and wait for the sheet to complete calculations before making those same hops back to the app. You’re not doing the calculations on the user’s device with computed columns, so it’s going to take longer.
You may be better off having a chat with a glide representative to explore your options on a more technical level.