Sending Email through APP

We are having an issue that there were some error when submitting an action to send an email.

Is there someone who can help me to fix this?


Thank you and God Bless

I will go through this for you. Can you provide any additional details about the error message or the action you were trying to perform? That will help me diagnose and fix the issue more quickly. :slightly_smiling_face:

We are sending an email to se selected person (from the dropdown list),
then, sending this html body to that selected person.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<meta name ="google-signin-client_id" content="">
<script src="" async defer></script>

    <title>Purchase Request</title>
        body {
            font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
            margin: 20px;
        .container {
            max-width: 800px;
            margin: 0 auto;
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    <div class="container">
        <div class="header">
            <h1>Purchase Request</h1>

        <div class="content">
            <p>Hello [Approver Name],</p>
            <p>We would like to request purchase request (PR) approval for the following item(s):</p>
                        <th>Unit Price</th>
                        <th width="2000">Delivery Address</th>
                        <th width="500">Delivery Date</th>     
                        <td>[Quantity 1]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 1]</td>
                        <td>[Item 1]</td>
                        <td>[Price 1]</td>
                        <td>[Item 1 Total Price]</td>
                        <td >[Item 1 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 1 Date of Delivery]</td>
                        <td>[Quantity 2]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 2]</td>
                        <td>[Item 2]</td>
                        <td>[Price 2]</td>
                        <td>[Item 2 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 2 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 2 Date of Delivery]</td>

                        <td>[Quantity 3]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 3]</td>
                        <td>[Item 3]</td>
                        <td>[Price 3]</td>
                        <td>[Item 3 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 3 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 3 Date of Delivery]</td>

                        <td>[Quantity 4]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 4]</td>
                        <td>[Item 4]</td>
                        <td>[Price 4]</td>
                        <td>[Item 4 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 4 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 4 Date of Delivery]</td>

                        <td>[Quantity 5]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 5]</td>
                        <td>[Item 5]</td>
                        <td>[Price 5]</td>
                        <td>[Item 5 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 5 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 5 Date of Delivery]</td>

                        <td>[Quantity 6]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 6]</td>
                        <td>[Item 6]</td>
                        <td>[Price 6]</td>
                        <td>[Item 6 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 6 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 6 Date of Delivery]</td>

                        <td>[Quantity 7]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 7]</td>
                        <td>[Item 7]</td>
                        <td>[Price 7]</td>
                        <td>[Item 7 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 7 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 7 Date of Delivery]</td>

                        <td>[Quantity 8]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 8]</td>
                        <td>[Item 8]</td>
                        <td>[Price 8]</td>
                        <td>[Item 8 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 8 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 8 Date of Delivery]</td>

                        <td>[Quantity 9]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 9]</td>
                        <td>[Item 9]</td>
                        <td>[Price 9]</td>
                        <td>[Item 9 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 9 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 9 Date of Delivery]</td>

                        <td>[Quantity 10]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 10]</td>
                        <td>[Item 10]</td>
                        <td>[Price 10]</td>
                        <td>[Item 10 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 10 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 10 Date of Delivery]</td>


                        <td>[Quantity 11]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 11]</td>
                        <td>[Item 11]</td>
                        <td>[Price 11]</td>
                        <td>[Item 11 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 11 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 11 Date of Delivery]</td>


                        <td>[Quantity 12]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 12]</td>
                        <td>[Item 12]</td>
                        <td>[Price 12]</td>
                        <td>[Item 12 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 12 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 12 Date of Delivery]</td>


                        <td>[Quantity 13]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 13]</td>
                        <td>[Item 13]</td>
                        <td>[Price 13]</td>
                        <td>[Item 13 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 13 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 13 Date of Delivery]</td>


                        <td>[Quantity 14]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 14]</td>
                        <td>[Item 14]</td>
                        <td>[Price 14]</td>
                        <td>[Item 14 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 14 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 14 Date of Delivery]</td>


                        <td>[Quantity 15]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 15]</td>
                        <td>[Item 15]</td>
                        <td>[Price 15]</td>
                        <td>[Item 15 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 15 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 15 Date of Delivery]</td>


                        <td>[Quantity 16]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 16]</td>
                        <td>[Item 16]</td>
                        <td>[Price 16]</td>
                        <td>[Item 16 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 16 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 16 Date of Delivery]</td>


                        <td>[Quantity 17]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 17]</td>
                        <td>[Item 17]</td>
                        <td>[Price 17]</td>
                        <td>[Item 17 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 17 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 17 Date of Delivery]</td>


                        <td>[Quantity 18]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 18]</td>
                        <td>[Item 18]</td>
                        <td>[Price 18]</td>
                        <td>[Item 18 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 18 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 18 Date of Delivery]</td>


                        <td>[Quantity 19]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 19]</td>
                        <td>[Item 19]</td>
                        <td>[Price 19]</td>
                        <td>[Item 19 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 19 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 19 Date of Delivery]</td>


                        <td>[Quantity 20]</td>
                        <td>[UOM 20]</td>
                        <td>[Item 20]</td>
                        <td>[Price 20]</td>
                        <td>[Item 20 Total Price]</td>
                        <td>[Item 20 Delivery Address]</td>
                        <td>[Item 20 Date of Delivery]</td>


                    <!-- Add more rows as needed -->

            <p class="text-right highlight small-font">Total Amount: [All Item Total Price]</p>
<p class="text-right highlight small-font1">Currency: [Currency]</p>

<p class="text-left"><b>Requestor Remarks</b></p>
<p>[Requestor Remarks]</p>

            <p>Please review the details and let us know if you require any additional information. We appreciate your prompt attention to this request.</p>

            <p>Thank you,</p>

        <div class="footer">
            <p>If you have any questions, please contact [Your Contact Information] .</p>

We are using the simple send email (integration from GMAIL)

Can you try removing the Gmail connection in your app and authorizing it again?

Also, I don’t know if CSS styling in that form can be supported. Have you actually had an email sent using that format?

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